December 6, 2024

What are the key elements of a biodiversity strategy?

To answer you, we rely on market frameworks (SBTN, TNFD, COP 15 Kunming Montréal) as well as on best market practices among institutional investors.

Abeille, Allianz, Axa, ERAFP, ERAFP, Groupama, MAIF, MAIF, Macif, CNP assurance, Harmonie Mutuelle, Malakoff Humanis are the actors we have benchmarked.

A biodiversity strategy is an action plan that aims to integrate biodiversity considerations into investment decisions.

The 8 key elements are as follows:

  1. Risk assessment, i.e. a measure of the impacts and dependencies of portfolio companies on biodiversity.
  2. Set up actions to reduce these risks (investment selection, engagement, exclusion policies)
  3. Define objectives and indicators, from the COP 15 in Kunming Montreal
  4. Investing directly in funds dedicated to biodiversity
  5. Ensure that biodiversity-related criteria are taken into account in the analysis and investment process
  6. Establishment of governance dedicated to the biodiversity strategy, linked to the climate strategy
  7. Membership in certain biodiversity initiatives (Finance for Biodiversity Pledge for example)
  8. Be transparent and communicate on the achievement of goals

To understand them in detail and to find out what institutional investors are doing about these 8 key elements, watch the video:

See you soon

The Moonshot Team